Monday, February 7, 2011

Snowfall and Sickness...

My apologies for hot having many posts the past few days.  We were hit by the "big one" (snowstorm that is) and we were busy stocking up, cleaning up, and staying warm!  We were also hit by another "big one", but this one seemed to be some sort of viral illness.  I was sick Wednesday-Thursday, the baby wasn't feeling well Thursday-Friday, Alex was sick Saturday, Nolan was sick Saturday-Sunday and Jason got sick Sunday and is still sick in bed right now. 

We didn't stick to our menu plan very well because of everyone being queasy, so no menu plan this monday.  We need to clean out the fridge of leftovers and it will pretty much be a free for all with everyone eating whatever doesn't make them feel sick! 

Hopefully we'll be over this soon and things will be back to normal!

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